Degree class LM-32 - Master degrees in Computer Engineering
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As of A.Y. 2023-24, the Master Degree Course in Computer Engineering is divided into two tracks, which are Cloud and Cyber Security (CCS) and Data Engineering and Analytics (DEA).
- The Cloud and Cyber Security (CCS) pathway is oriented towards the study and development of secure, network-connected systems and, in particular, addresses topics ranging from the management and security of computer networks, to the development of applications for distributed and mobile platforms, and the design of cloud, edge, embedded and real-time systems.
- The Data Engineering and Analytics (DEA) course trains experienced professionals in the management, manipulation and analysis of data in its multiple aspects. Topics covered range from software design and business intelligence to Big Data management and governance and text and graph analysis.
Master graduates in Computer Engineering acquire an education that will enable them to analyse, design, implement and manage complex and innovative computer systems, and can aspire to managerial and responsible roles. The typical professional fields for a Master degree in Computer Engineering are those of innovation and production development, advanced design, planning and programming, and management of complex systems, both in the liberal professions and in service or manufacturing companies, e.g. electronics, mechanical engineering, ceramics and biomedical engineering, as well as in public administrations.

The members of the Study Course Councils (CdS) are defined annually on the basis of the prevailing teaching loads.
Each Council is assisted in the planning and/or revision of the educational offering by a Steering Committee, which meets at least once a year.
The Master Degree Course in Computer Engineering is an open access course. However, it is necessary to meet certain curricular requirements indicated in the admission notice and to have graduated with a grade of 85/110 or higher (or a grade higher than three quarters of the maximum grade if the degree was obtained abroad).
Please check carefully the deadlines set out in the admission notice.
The Master Degree Course in Computer Engineering has established the obligation for all students to compile a study plan.
Submission of the study plan must take place during the second year of the course, approximately from 15 November to 30 January (dates to be confirmed each year). It does not have to be completed in the first year.
Compilation must normally be done via the Web on Esse3, under the heading "Career Plan", and only in special cases on paper using the special form available from the Engineering Student Secretariat (Via Campi 213/b).
Please note that a student who has not completed his or her study plan within the prescribed period will be assigned a compulsory standard study plan that will become his or her actual plan
The Study Plan for the Master Degree Course in Computer Engineering is structured as follows:
- 63 CFU for characterising educational activities (TAF B); for all curricula 'Data Engineering and Analytics', 'Cyber Systems' there are 45 compulsory CFU and 18 CFU (2 examinations) as a compulsory choice from the proposed courses.
- 12 CFU for related and complementary training activities (TAF C), to be chosen from among the 6 CFU courses in the related SSDs activated for the cohort in question.
- 18 CFU for activities of the student's free choice (TAF D). These can be filled with two characterising activities (recommended choice), with three related activities, with one characterising and two related activities (in this way you have 3 extra credits), or with other combinations taken from the offerings of other degree courses.
- 21 CFU for the final examination and 6 CFU to be acquired through an Internship or Project Activity (TAF F); considering the 21 CFU of the final examination and the 6 CFU of the Internship/Project Activity, this results in a total of 27 CFU, which implies a minimum 6-month commitment for the thesis, corresponding to no less than 720 hours.
Standard-statutory plans for the cohort* of students enrolled from 2023/2024:
Cloud and Cybersecurity Curriculum: Students who have not completed their study plan within the prescribed period are assigned a standard-statutory study plan which becomes their compulsory plan and which provides for the 18 characterising CFUs the examination of "Design of Operating Systems" (9 cfu) and "Software Design" (9 cfu), for the 12 related CFU the exams of "Network Infrastructure Technologies" (6 cfu) and "Discrete Mathematics" (6 cfu), for the 18 optional CFU "Graph Analytics" (9 cfu) and "Big Data Management and Governance" (9 cfu).
Curriculum Data Engineering and Analytics: Students who have not completed their study plan within the prescribed period are assigned a standard-statutory study plan which becomes their compulsory plan and which provides for the 18 characterising CFUs the examination of "Cloud Systems and Applications" and "Design of Operating Systems" (9 cfu), for the 12 related CFUs the exams "Digitisation and Labour Law" (6cfu) and "Applications of AI/ML in operations and supply chain management" (6cfu), for the 18 optional CFUs "Distributed edge programming" (9cfu) and "Information Security" (9cfu).
Standard-statutory plans for the cohort* of students enrolled in 2022/2023:
Cloud and Cybersecurity Curriculum: Students who have not completed their study plan within the prescribed period are assigned a standard-statutory study plan which becomes their compulsory plan and which provides for the 18 characterising CFUs the examination of "Multimedia Data Processing" (9 cfu) and "Software Design" (9 cfu), for the 12 related CFU the exams "Network Infrastructure Technologies" (6 cfu) and "Discrete Mathematics" (6 cfu), for the 18 optional CFU "Graph Analytics" (9 cfu) and "Big Data Management and Governance" (9 cfu).
Curriculum Data Engineering and Analytics: Students who have not completed their study plan within the prescribed period are assigned a standard-statutory study plan which becomes their compulsory plan and which provides for the 18 characterising CFUs the examination of "Cloud Systems and Applications" and "Design of Operating Systems" (9 cfu), for the 12 related CFU the examinations "Digitisation and Labour Law" (6cfu) and "User Experience Design" (6cfu), for the 18 optional CFU "Distributed edge programming" (9cfu) and "Information Security" (9cfu).
Artificial Intelligence Engineering-Applications Curriculum: Students who have not completed their study plan within the prescribed period are assigned a standard-statutory study plan which becomes their compulsory plan and which provides for the 18 characterising CFUs the exams of "Big Data Management and Governance" (9 cfu) and "Multimedia Data Processing" (9 cfu); for the 12 CFU related the exams "Automotive Connectivity" (6 cfu) and "Introduction to Quantum Information Processing" (6 cfu); for the 18 cfu choice exams "Distributed Artificial Intelligence" (9 cfu), "Scalable AI" (9 cfu).
Artificial Intelligence Engineering-Lasge Scale Curriculum: Students who have not completed their study plan within the prescribed period are assigned a standard-statutory study plan which becomes their compulsory plan and which provides for the 18 characterising CFU the examinations of "Big Data Management and Governance" (9 cfu) and "IOT and 3D Intelligent Systems" (9 cfu); for the 12 CFU related the exams "Automotive Connectivity" (6 cfu) and "Introduction to Quantum Information Processing" (6 cfu); for the 18 cfu choice exams "AI in Bioninformatics" (9 cfu), "Smart Robotics" (9 cfu).
There are two alternatives for filling in the online study plan, which can be viewed once the student has entered the Esse3 personal area, under the heading Career plan:
1) an 'APPR' study plan scheme, whereby the completed plan is automatically approved: this scheme provides only the courses offered by the Master Degree in Computer Engineering;
2) a 'PROP' study plan scheme, which must then be evaluated by the Course Council and which must only be chosen by:
- students transferring from another Degree Course/University who have had optional examinations officially approved by the previous Course Council and already included within the digital student record. Only in the event that the approved optional examinations have not yet been included within the digital student record or if the validation request has not yet been made, the study plan must be completed using the special paper form available at the Student Secretariat in via Campi 213/b, to be returned before the deadline during office opening hours;
- students who have passed optional examinations during an Erasmus period that have already been officially approved by the Course Council and included within the digital student record ;
- students who wish to take extra-syllabus examinations, after having asked the Student secretariat to include the teaching activity within the digital student record; it is advisable, if one intends to take extra-syllabus examinations, to obtain prior information from the President of the Degree Course, in order to avoid incurring non-approval, which would lead, if the extra-syllabus examinations have already been taken, to NOT being able to consider them in one's career (since they will be considered supernumerary) and will not be part of the number of CFUs needed to obtain the degree, with the consequent need to take further examinations.
Plans in PROP status will be evaluated by the Course Council after the deadline for compiling plans.
The student will be contacted if the plan is rejected for re-completion.
Tutoring, in compliance with the provisions of Article 13 of Law 341/90, is a service designed to assist students enrolled at university throughout their studies, removing obstacles to successful course attendance and encouraging active participation in university life.
The tutor is a point of reference to whom one can turn for advice, for help in getting into one's studies and for all forms of assistance aimed at making university studies more effective and productive.
The tutor teacher in particular can provide methodological and didactic support, aimed at overcoming learning difficulties (e.g. preparing for an exam, relating the contents of the various disciplines, clarifying doubts on study subjects) or can contact students in difficulty directly to propose support actions arranged by the University.
No compulsory propaedeuticity.
You can find the Degree Course documents about the Quality Assurance at the link below.