Degree class L8 - Information Engineering
The students' initial preparation is tested by administering a multiple-choice test with four different sections: mathematics, logic, science and verbal comprehension.
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Course lectures are held at the prestigious premises of the UniverMantova Foundation in Via Scarsellini 2 in Mantua, centrally located and close to the train station.
The strength of the degree lies in the design of the didactic offering, conceived to provide graduates with advanced IT knowledge, linked to the disciplines of artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and IT security, usually addressed in master's degree courses, and interdisciplinary competences oriented towards innovation in the production and industrial spheres. Information technologies are in fact increasingly in demand in the most diverse application scenarios, from social and urban contexts ('smart society', 'smart cities') to manufacturing and business contexts ('Industry 5.0'). The course of study therefore represents a unicum that enables graduates to adequately address the challenges of innovation posed by an increasingly competitive social and production context on a local and global scale.
With the skills acquired, the graduate in Computer Engineering is the figure currently most in demand on the labour market, able to find immediate employment with medium and large-sized companies, multinationals, public administrations, manufacturing companies at local, national or international level, or to undertake freelance work or an entrepreneurial activity, including within innovative technology start-ups. Finally, the graduate will have adequate skills to enrol in any Master's degree in Computer Engineering, or specialise in a Master's degree.
Finally, the degree course aims to create an environment that ensures inclusiveness and equal opportunities. The gender divide is a significant problem in Computer Engineering courses: the number of female enrolments does not exceed 15-20%. This is why we have been involved for years in many orientation initiatives aimed at bringing girls closer to Computer Engineering, such as the Digital Girls project (
The subjects of study include basic engineering subjects such as mathematics and physics, and specific computer engineering subjects such as software design and development, computer architecture, operating systems, databases, cloud systems and platforms, machine learning, Internet of Things, security by design of industrial systems and products. The preparation is complemented by subjects such as electronics and automation, integrated with Industrial Engineering disciplines such as industrial design, intelligent manufacturing, logistics and industrial management.
All these subjects include a substantial percentage of exercises, projects and practical activities to be carried out in the laboratories of the Mantova site.
To find out more about events, initiatives and success stories related to the Degree Course, visit

The members of the Study Course Councils (CdS) are defined annually on the basis of the prevailing teaching loads.
Each Council is assisted in the planning and/or revision of the educational offering by a Steering Committee, which meets at least once a year.
The Degree Course in Computer Engineering - Mantua campus has established the obligation for all students to compile a study plan. The study plan must be submitted during the third year of the course, approximately between October and November (dates to be confirmed each year).
Compilation must normally be done via the Web on Esse3, at the address, 'Career Plan', and only in special cases in paper form using the special form distributed at the Engineering Student Secretariat (Via Campi 213/b).
Please note that a student who has not completed his or her study plan within the prescribed period will be assigned a compulsory standard study plan that will become his or her actual plan.
Standard-status plan for cohorts* of students enrolled from AY 2020/2021
The study plan must include, in addition to the compulsory educational activities, an elective examination in taf B (Cyber-physical security, Industrial Informatics, Image Processing) and the student's choice of educational activities (12 CFU), as per Art. 10, paragraph 5, letter d of DM270, for a total of 12 CFU, choosing them from those envisaged by the Course of Studies as optional.
Students who have not completed their study plan within the prescribed period are assigned a standard-statutory study plan which becomes their compulsory plan and which envisages the following subjects for the acquisition of elective credits: Cyber-physical Security, Industrial Informatics, Image Processiong.
COMPILATION The online plan can be completed in two ways, which can be viewed once you have entered the Esse3 personal area, under the heading Career plan:
1) a 'plan scheme' - APPR - whereby the completed plan is automatically approved: in this scheme, individual courses offered by the Degree Course in Computer Engineering - Mantua location are proposed;
2) an 'outline plan' - PROP- which instead remains in a state of evaluation (it must be approved by the Course Council) and is only to be chosen by:
- students coming from a transfer/transfer from another Degree Course/Athenaeum who have had optional examinations recognised as having already been approved by a resolution of their own Degree Course Council and uploaded onto their electronic transcript. Only in the case in which the cfu of the transfer resolution exceeds 15 cfu (the PROP plan foresees a 183 cfu closure), the compilation of the plan must be carried out by means of the special paper form available at the Student Secretariat in via Campi 213/b, to be returned before the deadline during the reception hours
- students who have had optional exams in Erasmus already approved by resolution of their own Degree Course Council and uploaded onto their electronic booklet; - students who are sure to take part in the Formula Student project, after having asked the Student secretariat to upload the coursework to their transcripts;
- students who wish to take extra-attendance examinations in Computer Science at the Mantua campus, after having asked the Student secretariat to upload the teaching activities to their transcripts; it is advisable, if one intends to take extra-attendance examinations, to obtain prior information from the President of the Degree Course, in order to avoid non-approval, which would lead, in the event that extra-attendance examinations have already been taken, to NOT being able to consider them in one's career (since they will be considered supernumerary) and therefore requiring one to take further examinations.
Plans in PROP status will be evaluated by the Course Council following the deadline for plan compilation.
The student will be contacted if the plan is rejected for re-filling.
In accordance with the didactic regulations of the Course of Study, the Final Examination is designed to ascertain the attainment of the specific educational objectives of the Course of Study and, in order to access it, it is necessary to have passed all the educational activities envisaged.
The Final Round may consist of:
- a) in the presentation and discussion of a report on the activity carried out during the internship - under the supervision of a lecturer/researcher - in industries, companies or external bodies, on the basis of appropriate agreements;
- b) in the presentation and discussion of a report on the activity carried out - under the supervision of a lecturer/researcher - at research laboratories of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia or of other public or private research bodies, on the basis of specific agreements;
- c) in the presentation and discussion of a paper on topics related to subjects in the study plan, assigned by a lecturer/researcher.
The Final Examination may be taken in a foreign language, agreed in advance with the President of the Course Council. In this case, an extended summary of the work/activity must also be prepared in Italian.
Only after having obtained no less than 140 CFUs may students agree with a lecturer/researcher on the subject of the Final Examination. This lecturer/researcher (referred to as Final Examination tutor) supervises the preparation of the Final Examination.
The Examination Board assesses the final examination and, in the event of a pass, awards a mark ranging from 0 to 3 hundredths, taking into account the quality of the work carried out and the expository capacity demonstrated. The Board of Examiners transmits to the President of the Course Council the score of the final exam, the passing of which is an essential condition for obtaining the degree.
Tutoring, in compliance with the provisions of Article 13 of Law 341/90, is a service designed to assist students enrolled at university throughout their studies, removing obstacles to successful course attendance and encouraging active participation in university life.
The tutor is a point of reference to whom one can turn for advice, for help in getting into one's studies and for all forms of assistance aimed at making university studies more effective and productive.
The tutor teacher in particular can provide methodological and didactic support, aimed at overcoming learning difficulties (e.g. preparing for an exam, relating the contents of the various disciplines, clarifying doubts on study subjects) or can contact students in difficulty directly to propose support actions arranged by the University.
The reference teachers are:
The OFA is compulsory propaedeuticity for all MAT/xx and FIS/xx subjects in Year I, in particular: Fundamentals of Analysis, Algebra and Geometry, Physics.
English is compulsory propaedeuticity for all third-year subjects.
You can find the Study Program's documents about the Quality Assurance at the link below.