MilleChili is the academic laboratory working in the field of the automotive chassis design, optimization and innovation. This lab was founded in 2009 by the Machine Design Group together with Ferrari S.p.A. with the objective of effectively transferring and linking the technology and know-how from the research realm to the industrial environment. The MilleChili belief is that no innovation is possible without research.
The Lab has achieved considerable longstanding and recognised expertise in the understanding and modelling of mechanical structures by advanced numerical techniques, e.g. Finite Element Approach.
Specific areas of research are:
- Crash event
- Design optimization
- Failure analysis and prevention
During the years, the Lab has participated in several national and international competitive projects.
In 2019, the Lab has been involved in the European call MSCA-RISE-2019 - Research and Innovation Staff Exchange called OWHEEL. The project will produce recommendations for improving ride dynamics and passenger comfort through innovative wheel-corner designs for automated vehicles. The project will draw on collaborative research and training between universities and industrial organisations from the EU, Japan and South Africa.
From the 2020, the Lab participates to the Regional project entitled Prototype of hydrogen supply and control system set up on fuel cell demonstrator vehicle as partner for the modelling and structural analyses of the hydrogen storage system and its connections with the vehicle chassis.
More recently, in 2022, the Green Optimization by Additive-manufactured Lightweight Structures (GOALS) proposal has been funded by the Nationally funded research - PRIN competitive call. The lab is engaged as CO-PI of the consortium which includes University of Padova, University of Messina and University of Bologna.
During the years, a competent, dynamic, and young working group has developed and has succeeded in gaining the trust of many important companies in the automotive field and in advanced mechanics.
To quantify the impact of this lab on the chassis research activity, the total number of master’s degree students who have attended the laboratory since its foundation are more than 200, 10 per cent of whom having been PhD students.
Nowadays, the majority of these students work in the automotive field. Numerous national collaborations are active since 2009 as well as international contact and researchers/students exchange with ICAM in Toulouse (FR), University of Aveiro (PORT), Cranfield University (UK) and University of Pretoria (RSA).
Laboratory supervisor: Prof. Sara Mantovani
Room code: MO28-01-001
Phone: +39 059 205 6280
Mailto: millechililab@unimore.it
Last update 21.05.2024