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Seminario Correlation of strategic sources decreases their age of information anarchy

Data evento: - 11:30
Dove: Lecture hall P2.2 (Fa-2b), MO25 Building.
Testo evento

Si terrà martedì 4 Febbraio alle ore 11.30 il seminario del Prof. Leonardo Badia, dell'Università di Padova, dal titolo  Correlation of strategic sources decreases their age of information anarchy

Abstract:  This talk extends available studies based on queueing theory to compute closed-form expressions for the average age of information (AoI) in systems where sensing entities produce interconnected measurements. Specifically, multiple correlated information sources are considered, whose status updates may be mutually useful with a certain probability. This differs from most investigations in the literature, where the only game theoretic standpoint is that of competing independent sources. Non-cooperative game theory is then used to derive the Nash equilibria of the resulting system, and compare it with the optimal injection rate from the network standpoint. These derivations show that a system with correlated sources exhibits a rapidly decreasing Price of Anarchy, which ends up being fairly limited in practice.

Bio:  Leonardo Badia received his Msc. and PhD degree from the University of Ferrara, Italy. After previous positions in other Italian Universities, he has been with the University of Padova, Italy, since 2011, where he is presently an Associate Professor. He authored more than 250 scientific papers published in international peer-reviewed journals or conferences and is a frequent reviewer for several periodicals in the areas of telecommunications, computer engineering and networking. His research interests are in the broad area of mathematical optimization for communication networks, including: analysis of transmission protocols, cross-layer resource allocation, age of information, energy harvesting, and applications of game theory to communication networks.


Location: Lecture hall P2.2 (Fa-2b), MO25 Building. 

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